How does technology affect assessment?
Let us begin by discussing assessment in the arts classroom and what it really means then we can see how technology affects assessment inthe arts classroom.
Acording to the reading..There are several ways to give performance-based assessments." One is the portfolio. The student (or with younger children, the teacher) collects their best work and saves it for a time when the teacher can sit down with the student and give feedback. The portfolio is a great way to illustrate improvement over time. Journals also fall in this category."...
" Another assessment is the extended task. These are assignments that are carried out over several hours or longer. They could include poems, collections, models, musical scores, inventions, drafting, science experiments, and of course, an art project. "..
" The final performance-based assessment is called the open-ended or extended response exercise. Students explore a topic orally, or in writing. An oral report from a science experiment, art criticism, presenting arguments, and speeches are items that fit in this category.
Ok so now that we know aboiut art assessment we need to answerr the question can technology affect art assessment inthe art classroom?
"How can technology assist in understanding the minds of children? You can gather a lot of insight by talking to a child at length, but that is often not practical in the classroom. Given the constraints of the classroom, technology can provide another set of ways to assess what children are understanding and learning. It allows for continuing evaluation of the classroom lessons." Technology is just a new set of tools, which will help us,aid us in the process of assessment which can be time consuming and lengthy. We need to remeber that we want assessment to only add to the learning experience of students.
Is Eportfolio an effective tool? Whould you use it? Why or why not? pros and cons of using technological assessment tools.According to the reading.."Technology can also be used in the production of portfolios. There are now available a whole new range of devices that students can use in producing materials for evaluation. Students can use scanners, digital photographs, and computer-generated movies as part of a multi-media portfolio. Speeches, musical performances, and compositions can also be included in appropriate file formats, allowing for the documentation of athletic, dramatic, musical, and other performance-based activities. One of the advantages of a digital, multi-media portfolio is that it can be made available to a variety of communities. It can be designed so it can be reviewed by the student and their teacher, or by their classmates. It can even be placed on the Web, where students work can be made public. This becomes a wonderful opportunity for parents to see and react to their children's classroom work. One major advantage to digital technology is that the work can become part of a larger, broader conversation. Feedback can then be received from an expanding universe of communities."
Yes of course I would use e portfolios and actually plan on implementing this tool for my next classes.
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